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Natural and vibrant wedding photography in the North-West, for the rule-breakers in love looking for a relaxed wedding photographer!





LOCATIONS: Manchester + All of UK

Hello! I’m Matt, your friendly neighbourhood, music-addict, coffee-loving wedding photographer from the North-West!

I’m fiercely passionate about couples tying the knot in the way they want, whether it’s a DIY relaxed affair or the latter, if it’s the perfect way to celebrate your relationship, I’m on board and ready to capture your day!

My style is candid and unobtrusive, meaning what you get is a perfect representation of how your day unfolded when you look at your gallery, yet I’ll still guide you through your family photos and portraits!

Whether you’re awkward in front of cameras or not, do not worry as I’ll make sure you’re relaxed and at ease! I love capturing a couple’s chemistry and letting it shine through photos!

Sound like your type of photographer? Let’s get chatting!

What makes you an alternative wedding supplier? 

Though I work with a mixture of both traditional and alternative weddings, I’m an alternative rocker at heart, still playing shows with my band (supporting Deaf Havana and Emarosa most recently). I’m a die- hard Paramore fan and love any mix of early 2000/10s bands! Most importantly, I love couples that want to break the rules and tie the knot their way!

What is your favourite random fun fact?

I play guitar in a band called Midnight Swim! We’ve had the privilege of sharing the stage with bands like Emarosa, Deaf Havana, WSTR, Arms Length and Thomas Nicholas (Kevin from the American Pie films… you read that right 😂)

What is a defining moment for you within your business?

Honestly my first destination wedding is one of my proudest achievements, considering I was only a year into being in the wedding photography business. Still the most intense 36 hour round trip, but worth every minute!

AllOfUk, Manchester, Photographer